Thursday, February 25, 2010

You've had the votes all along so pass it...

You said it yourself Mr. President. That's what elections are for.

You don't want to go over the cliff on your own though do you? Because that's what you see this as. You are going over a cliff and if you don't do it your base will lose all its enthusiasm. You have to take them over the cliff with you because then, when it blows up, you can point to the things that "they" stuck in the legislation and say that is was the reason it all failed.

Get real Mr. President. It was a farce. The entire thing was a dog and pony show. You got to create the ground rules. Harry Reid got to be rude. Nancy Pelosi got to be on TV.... a lot. You got to tell all your personal stories about how you have talked to people and your Senate and House yes folks got to talk about the calls they have taken from their constituents. What they really should say is, my aide took this 1 minute call from this guy who we don't know and don't care to know but it makes for a great story. We aren't going to help the guy at all but it sure does make it look like we care. Both sides do it but man did the Dems lay it on thick today.

So go ahead Mr. President. Do it. You are scared to do it because you know what is going to happen if you do. You are going to lose in November. You are going to lose in 2012. Your side has no ideas except for taxing and spending so go ahead and vote to tax and spend some more.

That strategy has gotten you no where for the last 40 years. It didn't work for FDR, LBJ, or Carter. They all laid the framework for this explosion that is about ready to hit our economy. It can't be fixed now with your side standing in the way. Government can't fix it. Only the free market can.

So pass your regulations and laws. Get voted out and then let the side with the real ideas role it all back and put the framework in place that will allow for millions of Americans to truly succeed and make their own way... not rely on another handout.

2 to 4 years of this crap should be more than enough to buy another 12-16 years of the folks with the really good ideas in power to fix everything that your side continues to try and break.

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